Design-build is a type of delivery method for construction projects. Differentiated by how the team is organized and how information flows throughout the project’s stakeholders, design-build is known for its ability to foster collaboration and reduce the risk and burden held by the project’s owner.

Unlike other delivery methods, design-build’s project team structure unites everyone under one shared goal: the success of the project as a whole – not just their respective portion. Because each firm’s success is measured by how well all the other firms perform, design-build fosters a collaborative atmosphere where knowledge and expertise are shared.


A real estate joint venture (JV) is a deal between multiple parties working together and combining resources to develop a real estate project. Most large projects are financed and developed as a result of real estate joint ventures. JVs allow real estate operators (individuals with extensive experience managing real estate projects) to work with real estate capital providers (entities that can supply capital for a real estate project).


APK and its partners are equipped to design-build and operate affordable housing development projects. 

APK Development & Construction, along with producing its own affordable Housing, has partnered with a diverse spectrum of affordable housing producing groups. As such, APK is becoming a pioneer and partner of choice in collaborating with nonprofits, public housing authorities and others, to create high-quality, safe, affordable housing that supports the improvement of social determinants related to housing

APK, and its partners, strive to create exceptional rental communities for individuals and families, regardless of income.  Affordable Housing development at APK is a cornerstone of our company. Our team provides a thorough feasibility, acquisition and financing analysis. This foundation allows teams to perform, manage and deliver at an optimal level.